Do ethnic patients report longer lung cancer intervals than Anglo-Australian patients?: Findings from a prospective, observational cohort study
Lung cancer patients from ethnic minorities are a particularly vulnerable group of patients and have poorer outcomes than their Caucasian counterparts. This is partially due to the fact that they are often diagnosed at more advanced stages, have poorer survival rates, and are less likely to receive timely and appropriate treatment. The LEAD project was a PC4 supported, prospective observational cohort study designed to compare intervals along the lung cancer diagnostic and treatment pathways between CALD and Anglo-Australian patients. It was comprised of a patient survey as well as reviews of patients’ hospital and general practice records. CALD patients had significantly longer hospital intervals than their Anglo-Australian counterparts. Longer prehospital intervals were also reported, however the differences were not statistically significant. Overall, the results of this study highlight the need for interventions aimed to reduce ethnic disparities in these intervals. These might include a campaign to increase awareness of common lung cancer symptoms in the ethnic minority communities and an education programme for GPs to increase their understanding on ethnic differences in the lung cancer diagnostic and treatment pathway.
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