What cancer survivorship services do young people want?

Most young people survive their cancer diagnosis and are then at risk for long-term negative consequences. However, there is a lack of evidence to inform optimal service models among adolescents and young adults (AYA). This study aimed to explore experiences of young cancer survivors and their thoughts regarding optimal survivorship care and wellness programs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 AYA diagnosed with cancer at the age between 15-25 years. Three major themes were identified: (1) concerns after treatment, such as integrating back to normal life; (2) after treatment services, such as support around regaining fitness and strength; (3) varying perceptions around the need for a wellness survivorship program. Significant concerns around cancer recurrence and need for greater coordination of support and services were also raised. These findings highlight the need for an individualised approach to survivorship care that not only meet the health needs of AYA cancer survivors, but that are also acceptable to young people. Young people in this study suggested the use of technology, further research could investigate the potential of using technology to connect patients, specialists and primary care teams for optimal care.