The Stop Cancer PAIN Project

The Stop Cancer PAIN Project Better management of pain is a priority area for cancer care, as it improves patients’ quality of life, allows them to participate more actively in work and other activities, and reduces care-giver distress. Managing cancer pain also reduces health care costs by avoiding unnecessary hospital admission, and promoting non-pharmacological approaches and best use of medicines. The Stop Cancer PAIN Project aims to implement key recommendations of the Cancer Pain Management Guidelines Wiki into Australian oncology and palliative care outpatient services, and measure the impact at the patient, clinician and local health care service levels. The Project is T3 research, which the Cancer Institute NSW endorses as a means to implement research evidence within healthcare. For further information on the project please contact Project Coordinator, Alison Read, University of Technology, Sydney Email: Phone: (02) 9514 4858 The Stop Cancer PAIN Project is funded by a competitive research grant from the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
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