A self-management support program for older Australians with multiple chronic conditions
This randomised controlled trial, conducted in South Australia, aimed to determine whether a clinician-led chronic disease self-management support (CDSMS) program improved the self-rated health of older Australians with multiple chronic health conditions. Patients aged 60 and over with at least two chronic conditions were allocated to CDSMS, in which included client-centered goal setting and the development of individualised care plans or to a control group in which they received positive attention only. Results showed that CDSMS participants were more likely than control participants to report improved self-related health at 6 months. Furthermore, more CDSMS than control participants regarded the program as very or extremely useful and as having changed the management of their health conditions. This study shows that clinician-led CDSMS may benefit older people with multiple chronic conditions and further research into a program that also includes care-coordination and is better integrated with primary care are important next steps.
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