Peer Review Workshop Form Name First Last Institution/OrganisationEmail MobileProject Title*Grant application type MRFF NHMRC Which NHMRC Grant Scheme/s? NHMRC Project grant NHMRC Investigator grant NHMRC CRE/program grant NHMRC Synergy NHMRC Clinical trials and cohorts grant NHMRC Ideas grant Cancer Australia PdCCRS State/Terriority/Goverment (e.g. CNISW, VCA) Cancer Councils/Foundations Other Please list other grant scheme belowWhen is you grant application due? DD slash MM slash YYYY Consumer Summary*Please provide a lay summary of your concept including why the research is being proposed, the impact to research community and the benefit to the community.Have consumers been involved in the development of this project?* Yes No If YES please describe how consumers have been involvedHave consumers outside of PC4's network been involved in the development of this project?* Yes No Does this grant application have a consumer associate investigator or named consumer as part of a project steering group?* Yes No If YES, please name consumers attached to projectDoes this project incorporate any health economic evaluations?* Yes No Does this project use any Quality of Life/Patient Reported Outcome Measures?* Yes No Does this project involve implementation or implementation science? Yes No Does this project include investigators or organisations that will be end users of the intervention to improve translation?* Yes No Please attach documents relevant to your grant submission for review Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 24 MB. (These documents will be treated with confidentiality and only circulated to appropriate reviewers)