Our Services

A key role for PC4 is to assist members to develop high-quality cancer research in primary care. We can provide assistance to develop an idea or concept, help to recruit potential collaborators (researchers, health professionals, and consumers), provide a scientific or consumer review of proposals, and arrange access to specialist support

We can help you with advice on:

  • Trial design
  • Implementation Research (helping translation into clinical practice)
  • Outcome measures, including Quality of Life and other patient-reported outcomes (PROs)
  • Quality assurance and monitoring processes
  • Biostatistics
  • Health economics

And by:

  • Conducting background research, including systematic reviews
  • Coordinating meetings and teleconferences for investigators
  • Assisting with ethics and regulatory applications
  • Brokering collaborations
  • Developing patient recruitment materials

To become a PC4 supported trial, researchers provide evidence of ethics approval and appropriate trial registration, provide six-monthly reports to the PC4 Office and acknowledge PC4 support in all reports, publications and presentations. 


PC4 works with Dr Patty Chondros to provide biostatistical support for PC4 supported projects. In addition, both our Concept Development and Peer Review Workshops incorporate a biostatistician as part of our PC4 Help Team.

Our biostatistics support can help inform your trial design, conduct and analysis including:

  • Protocol development and review
  • Sample size and power calculations
  • Determining appropriate analytical methods
  • Determining appropriate randomisation schemes
  • Correct data interpretation methods
  • Assistance selecting data management systems
  • Statistical modelling

Clinical Trial Registration

PC4 can assist you in registering your research with the most appropriate clinical trial registry. Online registries of clinical trials have been established for a wide range of research, and have many purposes. Some aim to inform researchers of like-minded colleagues and their work, others encourage patients to enquire about the potential for participation. Many consumer organisations promote participation in clinical trials because there is some evidence that indicates such patients receive the best clinical management.

The Australian Cancer Trials Database

The Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)

The WA Cancer Clinical Trials Registry (WACCTR)

Clinicaltrials.gov ‐ National Institutes of Health, USA

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