Follow-Up Care Provider Preferences of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences and perspectives of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors in regards to their patient-provider relationships and preferences of healthcare provider for follow up care. On average, of the 28 survivors that participated in focus groups, they were 6.3 years from their cancer diagnosis. The majority of survivors expressed a desire not to transition to a new provider and preferred seeing their oncologist for follow-up care. For those survivors, this was due to already having a close relationship with their oncologist, trusting their knowledge about cancer and how to handle late effects. However, survivors did place emphasis on being comfortable with their healthcare provider, regardless of provider type. The findings from this qualitative analysis demonstrate the importance of establishing provider transitions and roles after cancer therapy to improve patient comfort with primary care providers. There is a need to further investigate the complexities of the transition to follow up care for AYA survivors, to ensure a seamless transition into survivorship care.
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