Cheers with Peers – Professor Ray Chan & Dr Jennifer McIntosh – November 2019
Superstar academics
In this month’s episode, Dr Jennifer McIntosh talks to Professor Ray Chan, Professor in Cancer Nursing, Faculty of Health, at the Queensland University of Technology. We believe that Professor Chan is a mid-career superstar. His career trajectory has been stellar, beginning a research career from 2007, he became a Professor within 4 years of his Ph.D. So how did he become a mid-career superstar and what is his advice for mid-career researchers in going above and beyond?
In the podcast, recorded at a PC4 workshop, Ray speaks about being very clear as to why you take on leadership roles. As a mid-career researcher, he believes that you should look at the vision and mission of the committees and groups you align yourself with. He believes in looking at lower-level positions to develop skillsets to guide your learning in the area you wish to work in. He talks about being president of the CNSA; a year after he finished his Ph.D., and how this opportunity opened doors to new networks and prospects.
He gives some insightful advice about time management as your career progresses, and how researchers should constantly reflect on maintaining the work-life balance. He talks about the great advice he received about teamwork and bringing people along with you and drawing them into your compelling vision. “Having a vision that is so compelling that you will personally be dedicated to it and other people identify it, that’s why they want to join your team.”
What are you listening to?
Ray’s been listening to Cheers with Peers and Manager Tools