Cheers with Peers Episode 8 – Dr Rebecca Bergin and Sibel Saya – April 2019


Panel discussions on funding applications

In this episode, Sibel Saya and Dr Rebecca Bergin from Cancer Council Victoria talk about Dr Bergin’s experience as an Early Career Researcher observer of the NHMRC Project Grant review panel. The conversation centres on the process of how Grant applications are reviewed and some key takeaways from her observations. She talks in depth about the process the panels go through when reviewing applications. The track record is a problematic subject for ECRs. Often ECR’s have not had the chance to construct international standing and relationships, nevertheless, they are being considered against the best in Australia. Dr Bergin believes that publication history is indeed an important consideration that the panel contemplates. She also believes, through her role as an ECR observer that the aims of any Grant scheme are imperative for it to be considered favourably.

What are you listening to?

Sibel is listening to Teachers Pet, which digs deep into a cold case that has been unsolved for 36 years and uncovers new evidence. If you enjoy this show, please give us 5 stars whenever you listen. Tweet us your thoughts @PC4TG or email us at We’d love to hear from you and thank you for listening. If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4), membership is free. Join at

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