Cheers with Peers Episode 7 – Prof David Weller and Sibel Saya – March 2019


International collaboration

International work experience via collaboration is an exciting and challenging prospect for Early Career Researchers. How do you get started? Do you have to move overseas in order to progress your career? In this episode, Sibel Saya and Professor David Weller discuss the role of international collaboration in an Early Carer Researcher’s academic pathway. He believes that ECRs should start small and look at seed funding rather than being overwhelmed by the big picture. He discusses the role of moving to other countries and the ECR and his own career trajectory. Professor Weller mentions the International Benchmarking Partnership, which he spoke as part of his plenary at the PC4 Symposium in May 2018. There are some sound quality issues given the interview was recorded at the Symposium.

What are you listening to?

Professor Weller is currently immersed in author Ian Rankin’s podcasts If you enjoy this show, please give us 5 stars whenever you listen. Tweet us your thoughts @PC4TG or email us at We’d love to hear from you and thank you for listening. If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4), membership is free. Join at

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