Cancer Survivorship in Advanced Primary Care Practices: A qualitative study of challenges and opportunities

This qualitative comparative case study aimed to determine the barriers and facilitators explaining why primary care has not successfully integrated comprehensive services to manage the long-term care of cancer survivors in the U.S. Twelve advanced primary care practices were recruited, in which researchers conducted 10-12 days of observation, clinician and administrator interviews, and survivorship patient pathways. The study found that none of the practices provided any type of comprehensive survivorship services, so survivors received care equivalent to that of non-survivors. The three main barriers identified were: the absence of a recognised, distinct clinical category of survivorship in primary care; a lack of actionable information to treat this patient population; and current information systems unable to support survivorship care. This study highlights the need to have recognised survivorship clinical processes in primary care, with actionable care plans. Read the full article here.
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