Early Career Researcher Network

The principal focus of the Early Career Researcher Network is to provide a support group for Early Career Researchers to develop their skills and knowledge. The Early Career Researcher Network is chaired by Joel Rhee and Matt Grant (currently overseas).

A/Prof Joel Rhee – Chair

Qualifications: BSc(Med), MBBS(Hons), GradCert(ULT), PhD, FRACGP
Location: University of Wollongong
Role: Associate Professor and practicing GP
Research Interests: Advance Care Planning; aged care and end of life care in the Primary Care setting

Dr. Matthew Grant – Chair

Qualifications: MBBS, MBioethics, DipPallMed, FRAGCP, FAChPM
Location: St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and Monash University
Role: Palliative Care Physician, Research Fellow, General Practitioner
Research Interests: Palliative Care

Dr Rebecca Bergin

Qualifications: BA&Sc(Hons), PhD
Location: Cancer Council Victoria
Role: Senior Research Officer
Research Interests: Cancer diagnosis, rural cancer disparities, policymaking, health services research, mixed methods

Dr Natalie Bradford

Qualifications: PhD, MPH, BN, RN
Location: Queensland
Role: Senior Research Fellow
Research interests: child and adolescent cancer, palliative and supportive care, symptom management and digital health.

Raechel Damarell

Qualifications: BA, Grad Dip Info Stud
Location: College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University
Role: PhD Candidate, Research Centre for Palliative Care, Death and Dying
Research Interests: Palliative care, multimorbidity, evidence-based practice, knowledge translation

Dr Laura Deckx

Qualifications: PhD Biomedical Sciences, MSc Epidemiology, MSc Physical Education and Kinesiology
Location: The University of Queensland
Role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Interests: Cancer survivorship, multimorbidity, digital health

Jinfeng Ding

Qualifications: RN, MSN, BSN
Location: The University of Western Australia
Role: PhD candidate in Public Health
Research Interests: Palliative Care, End-of-life Care, Primary Care and health services research

A/Prof Gillian Gould

Qualifications: PhD MA MBChB
New South Wales
Role: NHMRC and CINSW Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Fellow
Research Interests: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Preventive Medicine, Primary Health Care, smoking cessation


Emily Habgood

Location: Melbourne
Role: PhD candidate
Research Interests: Melanoma

Lucy Holland

Qualifications: BSc, MSc, MSWQ, PhD Cand.
Location: Queensland Youth Cancer Service, Children’s Health Queensland and Queensland University of Technology
Role: Senior Research Fellow
Research Interests: Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, Adolescent Health, Psycho-Oncology, Models of Care, Survivorship, Consumer Partnership, Health Services Research

Peter Nguyen

Location: Centre for Cancer Research and Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne
Role: PhD candidate
Research interests: Cancer diagnosis, early detection, test management, health information technology, clinical decision support


Sibel Saya

Qualifications: BSc, MGC
Location: University of Melbourne
Role: PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Use of new genomic tests and risk prediction models for cancer in primary care

Dr Kylie Vuong

Qualifications: BSc (Med), MBBS, MIPH, FRACGP
Location: School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW
Role: Lecturer in Primary Care and a practicing GP
Research Interests: Primary prevention of melanoma, cancer risk prediction models and complex interventions in general practice

Dr Carolyn Ee

Qualifications: B.ASc, MMed, PhD, MBBS
Location: Western Sydney University
Role: GP and Senior Research Fellow
Research Interests: Complementary and integrative therapies, Cancer survivorship

Lucy Boyd

Qualifications: BPsycSci, MHM
Location: Centre for Cancer Research and Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne
Role: Research Assistant
Research Interests: Health services research, policy making, patient centred care, psycho-oncology

Shakira Milton

Qualifications: BSc, MSci Epi
Location: University of Melbourne
Role: PhD Candidate
Research Interests: Bowel cancer prevention using decision aids to help patients make an informed choice. Also, consumer involvement in research and implementation science

Rebecca Venchiarutti

Qualifications: BSc MNutrDiet
Location: Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
Role: Head and Neck Research Fellow
Research Interests: Complex cancer, clinical epidemiology, cancer epidemiology, health services research, access to healthcare, and variations in healthcare.

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