Application to join the Community Advisory Group
The Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4) is funded by Cancer Australia to support the development of cancer research. Our activities include all aspects of primary care and psychosocial health throughout the spectrum of the cancer journey from prevention, screening, early detection, and treatment through to survivorship and palliative care. We place tremendous value on the involvement of consumers in all aspects of our research programs, particularly via our Community Advisory Group (CAG).
You may have had cancer, known or cared for someone with cancer, or just be interested in cancer research and in helping people. Experience in research is not required, and we are seeking interested consumers with diverse experiences and relevant life skills.
Applications to join our Community Advisory Group are currently closed and will reopen in 2024/25 Applications will be reviewed based on the following selection criteria to contribute to the work of PC4:
- Interests aligned with the goals of the Groups
- Life skills (professional and personal)
- Availability to participate
- Diversity of representation (e.g. cancer experiences and geographical location)
Following the review applicants will be contacted to arrange an interview at a convenient time. Successful applicants will be notified by electronic letter and invited to accept a position on the CAG. If they choose to accept, applicants must become a member of both groups (no cost) and sign a confidentiality statement.
For more information please contact:
Janelle Jones
PC4 National Manager | E:
Expression of Interest
Privacy statement
The information is being collected by Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group (PC4). You can contact us at The information will be used by authorised staff for the purpose for which it was collected and will be protected against unauthorised access and use. The University of Melbourne is committed to protecting the personal information provided by you in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). All information collected by the University is governed by the University’s Privacy Policy. For further information about how the University deals with personal information, please refer to the University’s Privacy Policy or contact the University’s Privacy Officer at
Applications to join our Community Advisory Group are currently closed and will reopen in 2024/25