A National Health and Wellness SMS Text Message Program for Breast Cancer Survivors During COVID-19 (EMPOWER-SMS COVID-19): Mixed Methods Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Framework
As a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns many supportive care services for breast cancer survivors were closed or access was restricted through personal and/or environmental barriers. To help bridge this gap a nationwide SMS text message program (EMPOWER-SMS COVID-19) was implemented. EMPOWER-SMS COVID-19 ran for 3-months and focused on lifestyle posttreatment guidelines. The program was evaluated using the enhanced Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. A total of 841 out of the 1340 who visited the study registration website (62.8%) were consented and enrolled. Just over half (53.4%) of the participants provided feedback on the program, most “(strongly) agreed” that the SMS test messages were easy to understand (99.3%), helped them feel supported (86.6%) and motivated to be physically active (70.1%) and eat healthier (68.5%). The EMPOWER-SMS COVID-19 was found to have broad reach, high fidelity and engagement, and acceptability with low cost and minimal staff oversight. However, low adoption with only 50% of organisations/health professionals agreeing to promote the program, prompts the need for further research into barriers and enablers to adoption. Read the original article here.